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Spring Fringe Schedule - All at BHASVIC, 205 Dyke Road, Hove, BN3 6EG

Friday - Evening Dance for all ages 19.00-22.30 - Tickets available now

Saturday - Spring Fringe Workshop - for over 35yrs - 10.00-15.30 - Express your interest here

Saturday - Family Event  - For families with under 12s - 15.45-16.45 - Express your interest here

Saturday - Evening Dance - for all ages - 19.00-23.00 - Tickets available now

Sunday - Nothing planned for Spring Fringe so enjoy the sights of Brighton!


Accommodation For Spring Fringe

There are plenty of places to stay in Brighton. Accommodation isn't included for Spring Fringe attendees - please find your own accommodation if needed. Brighton's public transport is very good and is the preferred method of transport so well worth considering staying some where you can walk/bus to the venues. You can drive but it is mostly paid parking.

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